I built a crypto bot and gave it my entire wallet
Disclaimer: This article doesn’t emphasize any trading algorithm but how one could go about building a simple bot. By no means this is any financial advice.
Long story short
I coded a bot that uses the CoinDCX exchange to carry out trades for me which runs on a scheduler so that it continuously plays by my defined trading signals (all under an hour)
So let’s get right on it!
Set up an account in CoinDCX
Get your API & Secret key
Go to your CoinDCX profile section
Click Access API dashboard
Click Create API key button and follow the process of verifications
Now the fun part starts (abracadabra)
Create a file named bot.py
We’ll need the following imports
import hmacimport hashlibimport jsonimport timeimport requestsimport scheduleimport time
Setup your keys
key = “REPLACE_WITH_YOURS”secret = “REPLACE_WITH_YOURS”secret_bytes = bytes(secret, encoding=’utf-8')
Function to fetch your wallet balance
def get_balance():
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
body = {
"timestamp": timeStamp
json_body = json.dumps(body, separators=(',', ':'))
signature = hmac.new(secret_bytes, json_body.encode(),
url = "https://api.coindcx.com/exchange/v1/users/balances"
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
response = requests.post(url, data=json_body, headers=headers)
data = response.json()
for i in data:
if i['currency'] == 'INR':
return i
Function to get the last updated price of a cryptocurrency
def get_live_price(ticker):
url = "https://api.coindcx.com/exchange/ticker"
response = requests.get(url)
data = response.json()
for i in data:
if i['market'] == ticker:
return i
ticker — ETHINR (eg. Bitcoin — BTCINR, Ethereum — ETHINR)
Function to execute your order
def create_order(action, ticker, price, quantity):
timeStamp = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
body = {
"side": action,
"order_type": "limit_order",
"market": ticker,
"price_per_unit": price,
"total_quantity": quantity,
"timestamp": timeStamp
json_body = json.dumps(body, separators=(',', ':'))
signature = hmac.new(secret_bytes, json_body.encode(),
url = "https://api.coindcx.com/exchange/v1/orders/create"
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'X-AUTH-SIGNATURE': signature
response = requests.post(url, data=json_body, headers=headers)
data = response.json()
action — buy or sell
ticker — ETHINR
price — 200000 (price you’re quoting for one unit of the currency. it’s mandatory if it’s a limit_order but not if it is a market_order)
quantity — 0.0004
Function to place your logic
def program():
#Place your logic here
#Don't forget to use the above util fucntions
Lastly, run a scheduler
schedule.every(30).seconds.do(program)while 1:
Great 🎉 Just hit
> python bot.py
We’re done (or we aren’t). Just a small tiny bit of work pending. Let’s not keep our machine running 24x7 but rather offload the task to some cloud provider.
My favorite is Heroku. It’s easy to set up and free 🤑
Setup an account here
We’ll need to create two files, requirements.txt and Procfile
Run the following command in CLI
> pip freeze > requirements.txt
Make sure your requirements.txt also contains gunicorn==19.9.0
Create an empty file named Procfile (without any extension)
Paste the following content
web: python bot.pyworker: python bot.py
Now host all contents on a GitHub repository (make sure it’s private as it contains secrets)
Let’s login to our Heroku dashboard
Create a new app
Move to the Deployment tab
Connect your Github account and your repository
Select your branch and hit Deploy Branch
Once the build is successful, then move to the Resources tab
Toggle both web and worker under Free Dynos
That’s all. We have a worker that’s continuously running on the cloud trading for us.
Thanks for sticking around till here. If you enjoyed the article, do share it. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.
Until next time…